Eastside Estates Ltd always try and maintain a high level of service to our clients at all times. We are a member of The Property Ombudsman scheme TPOS, to ensure that our client’s interests are safeguarded, if anything goes wrong or if you are not satisfied with any of our services and feel the need to raise a complaint, please follow the procedure below.

Stage One – Branch Lettings Manager

Any complaints should be raised firstly with the branch lettings manager by email, phone or in writing, once the complaint has been received, the branch manager will then try and resolve it within 3 working days.

Stage Two – The Managing Director

If you wish to pursue your complaint further or are unsatisfied with the branch lettings mangers response you may write to the managing director.

Managing Director
Eastside Estates Ltd
273 Forest Road
E17 6HD

They will confirm your complaint within 3 working days and look further into it with any findings and recommendations as the final view point in writing from the company within 15 working days.

Stage Three – The Property Ombudsman

If you are not satisfied with the response from the managing director you may contact The Property Ombudsman scheme for complaints at https://www.tpos.co.uk or by phone on 01722 333306 or by post at Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire , SP1 2BP.